Human capital remains the largest cost component in almost all organizations, and is certainly one of the most important regardless of its costs. Whether a company is large or small, the independent planning and periodic evaluation of its processes enable a Human Resource organization the ability to deliver results. Independent and Objective Measurements and Results McGAT provides an objective review and assessment of any or all functions of your HR organization to enable maximum effectiveness. This would include organizational development, employee development, benefits administration, staffing services, employee relations, compensation, or meeting governmental and/or regulatory requirements. We provide you with the results needed to measure and align your controls and objectives with your organization’s strategic goals. In addition, we provide the experience to assist your staff with audits, the development and implementation of disaster preparedness plans, the review and design of performance/compensation systems, as well as confidential investigations regarding allegations of workplace harassment, discrimination or other misconduct. To achieve this we focus on the following areas: Measurement and Assessment of HR Processes; Review and Development of Metrics; Organizational Development; Employee Development; Benefits Administration; Staffing Services; Employee Relations; Performance/Compensation Systems; Government Regulations; Workplace Investigations; and Disaster Preparedness. |
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